Holistic Approach in Understanding
-Dr. Ajit Sabnis
Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Society, Eco-friendly
communities, Global warming, Climate change etc. are the modern day buzz words
and are being very commonly used by one and all. Professionals also coin new
and attractive phrases like: Smart and Sustainable Societies, High performing
Societies, Eco-spirituality and so on. In most cases, the understanding of true
sustainability has a very limited bandwidth.
Till the beginning of
18th century all looked OK. Sustainability aspect never bothered us.
Most of the natural resources, most of the environment had remained un-altered.
It is then the period of Industrial revolution emerged on the global scenario
and western countries started to establish their supremacy in terms of
infrastructure development, better life style their citizens, more and more
comforts to their citizens etc. And in the bargain, they started using the
natural resources provided to them by the nature. This suit followed by other
countries by the time we reached mid nineteenth century. Present developed
countries were then the Developing countries. They were probably smart and cautious
enough to reserve most of their natural
resources and started importing these resources from third world countries.
Third world countries accepted this change whole heartedly as they also aspired
for infrastructure development in their economies in proportion to their
population. It has continued even today and those developing nations have now attained
status of Developed Nations.
The Complexity:
Sustainability as a
phenomenon is very complex and no one can actually claim to have understood it
in its entirety. It is considered as one of the Big Questions by the scientific
The Definition:
Sustainability in
general is as an ability to sustain as per most dictionaries. This aspect of
sustainability has different definitions in different contexts. For example, in
the context of forestry, sustainable development can mean the harvesting of
trees and other forest products at a rate that does not exceed the capacity of
the forest to regenerate itself. In the context of urban planning, sustainable
development can mean managing growth within the capacity of infrastructure to
service the population and so on. As per Dr. Abdul Kalam, Sustainability is the
line between Need and Greed. As per United Nations, Sustainable development
is the development that meets the needs of our generation without compromising
the needs of future generations. As per one of the recent studies, True
Sustainability is establishing harmony with the Nature and the Environment it
India’s Position:
After agriculture and
industrial revolutions, India focused on its infrastructure development and
still we are a developing economy in the world and this is mainly due to
uncontrolled population growth. On one hand, we have always struggled to
reconcile with the Demand and Supply chain and on the other, global geographical
boundaries are shrinking and the global community is becoming one in
experiencing various impacts of human greed. This phenomenon is referred as ‘Anthropogenic’.
Developed nations, which are actually responsible for all the environmental
chaos hitherto, are putting pressure on developing nations to exercise control
on their growth patterns. In the process of aping the West, we have forgotten our
ancient wisdom, sustainable practices and now looking for Sustainable Solutions
from them and that is the irony.
Info Box: As of today, global greenhouse gasses emitted together by
USA, China and European countries put together amounts to whopping 56 % and
that by India alone is only 6.5 %. However, we are fourth in the list. Average
per capita power consumption is highest in the US while India it is the least.
All said and done, today, the detrimental impact due to human greed is
affecting our Planet.
Why the Big Concern!
In the name of materialistic
development, especially since the beginning of 19th century, we have
brought the Planet Earth to the brink of disaster. It is an established fact
that whenever a new and better species have appeared on earth, there has been a
major disaster or chaos. What exactly is the IMPACT we are all talking about!
Why the whole world is now so concerned about it!
The Impact:
The impact phenomenon
that we are talking about is the detrimental impact human beings are casting on
the Natural Environment. This can be understood by looking at the three important
challenges we are head-on with;
1] Global
warming- Where the average
global temperature is increasing very rapidly due to human activities. This is
due to emission and accumulation of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. This
has several detrimental impacts.
2] Climate
Change – Due to long term
effects of several factors impacting season change, health, change in migratory
patterns, ocean acidity, acid rains etc. Also, resulting in a phenomenon called
Polar Amplification, where the ice caps are melted exposing the underlying
rocks which in turn, absorb and reflect more heat.
3] Natural
Resource depletion-
Unscrupulous use of natural resources provided to us by nature. We continue to
drain our natural resources with no sign of relenting.
Conventional Sustainable Society:
Till recently,
establishing a sustainable society called for integrating three fundamental
spheres of a society namely, The Social, the Cultural and the Economic. As the concern
about the deteriorating environment became an issue of criticality, the fourth
sphere called- The Environment was added. This too was inadequate in
understanding the true meaning of sustainability. Unless and otherwise, an
individual willfully and ethically participates in achieving the SUSTAINABILITY
DEVELOPMENT GOALS, establishing a sustainable society is not possible. Hence
the fifth sphere of ethics (Spiritual) was included.
Science-Spirituality Convergence:
If we see these five
spheres, they represent nothing but the Physical, Vital, Mental, Spiritual and
the Psychic development of a society as described by Sri Aurobindo. Only when
this integration of 5 spheres happen harmoniously, true sustainable society can
emerge and manifest. In a way, Science
and Spirituality are converging. We see 20th and 21st century
to complement this view. Sri Aurobindo and Einstein, both of them extensively
delved on the same subject of Matter and Energy, almost simultaneously. While
one established matter as the foundation for in the Evolutionary process, the
other established a relation between matter and energy. The advent of quantum
physics, efforts of several physicists leaning towards the philosophy of
Shankara to answer some of the Big questions, stand as testimony of this
convergence. Even Stephen Hawking, in his latest book, released after his
death, talks about the possibility of a super human on earth. For him,
superhuman is a human being who is capable of self-designing his DNA structure
and the truth is, we are moving towards this formidable achievement. It is
Impossible to judge the logic of the infinite with the logic of the finite.
Interestingly, though Stephen hawking is an atheist, he observed about
Einstein’s work-“the key element of Einstein’s scientific career lies in his
ability to convert his intuitive imagination into experiments applying the laws
of physics”.
Identification with the Nature, the Only Way Forward:
In the process of
creating a sustainable society and sustainable living, we have consistently
ignored the one fundamental aspect which could make this possible: Our
identification with the nature, to become one with the nature. Forget the
timetables, technologies, and transfers of money from developed nations to
developing nations; living in a sustainable way is only possible if we and
especially our leaders more deeply understand the very fabric of Nature.
In reality, Spirituality
and Sustainability go hand in hand; one cannot proceed without the other. In
fact, sustainability is an Attitude, the way of life. A spiritual person cares
deeply about people, animals, plants, the oceans and the entire planet. A
spiritual person knows that, we are all One. A spiritual person has kindness,
compassion, humility as his or her guiding principle and naturally leads a life
of sustainable living. Conversely, living in a conscious, sustainable manner
promotes spiritual growth. Thus, spiritual evolution makes sustainable living,
an essential way of life. Spiritual practice soon reveals the truth that I am a
part of the Whole. If I fail to preserve the latter I fail to preserve myself.
The Indian Concept of Sustainability:
Concept of
Sustainability is not new to India. Since time immemorial, Indians have lived
respecting the nature. The essence of Indian philosophy itself is founded on
the very concept of oneness- Prakruthi and Purusha, being the two facets of the
same Absolute. We have always revered our planet earth as our Mother– ‘Maata
bhumihi, putroham pruthivya’- Many of us, as we get up in the morning, repeat, ‘Samudra
vasane devi, Parvatsya Stana mandale, Vishnu patni namastubhayahm, Padasparsham
Kshmaswame’- O! Mother Earth, Pardon me as I touch you with my feet. ‘Sarve
Janaha Sukhino Bhavantu’ – prays for the wellness of every speck of dust, chara
and achara. We even revered our waters. We invited sacred waters of seven
rivers while bathing- ‘Gangech, Yamunechiva, Godavari, Sarswati, Narmada Sindhu
Kaveri, Jalesmin sannidhim kuru’
But then, what
happened? How and where have we lost these exemplary and resplendent vales? As
Sri Aurobindo puts it, every society has to pass through different stages in
the evolutionary process. The Symbolic age, the typal, the conventional, the
individualistic, the age of objectivism, the age of subjectivism and then followed
by Spiritualised Society. We are all in the age of Objectivism. Reason, Logic
and half-truth-mental perceptions dominate our being. We need to rise above
from this stage of objectivism by satisfying it before entering into subsequent
stages. Let us now look at the other facet.
When we talk about
‘Sarvam Khalu idam bramh’, the essence of true sustainability is encrypted in
the entire universe. To me the entire universe created by the creator is
sustainable. Look at the various constants of Nature! How sustainable they are
since billions of years! Sri Aurobindo’s
Integral Yoga, the Poorna Yoga, is also called by some as Integral Adavatism of
Sri Aurobindo. The triple transformation formula given by Sri Aurobindo,
Psychisisation- to look within and make our Self as the guiding force;
Spiritualisation-to find All in One and One in All; Supramentalisation-to realize
the supramental truth; describes our journey from one state of consciousness to
a higher state of consciousness, encrypting our journey towards the realms of
higher perfection, and the inter-connectedness. Sustainable living is then, just
a byproduct of our spiritual journey in the Evolutionary Process.
There is no inherent
disorder or evil in the universe. Such evil and disorder comes into creation
through our ignorance. Present environmental crisis is one of such things. True
Sustainable Development calls for conservation and preservation of natural
resources and of the environment. This requires a paradigm shift from our
present ordinary self-gain mind set to a sustainable mindset. True
sustainability is probably the first step towards establishing a spiritualised
society, and that is our aim too.
Let us work towards
it individually and collectively. The time has come to find reconciliation
between all subjects and anti-subjects. As Sri Aurobindo puts it, even by
negation, we arrive at the same realization.