Tuesday, 4 December 2018


The present globalisation-culture and the advancement in all fields expect the Future Race to constantly upgrade their knowledge, skills and achieve perfection in the fields of their specialisation. An unavoidable peep into the future shows an inescapable influence of information technology and the internet media acting as the major source of knowledge. This shall surely lead us to a phenomenon wherein there shall be least human touch and very little human interaction. With all this, the future race has to shoulder tremendous responsibility in developing itself and the nation in which all the human needs are met most effectively.

In addition to the conventional knowledge at their command, the Future Race must necessarily acquire those extra dimensions which will help them to assimilate, adopt and adapt to suit the multi dimensional needs of a demanding life style together with the status of an elevated consciousness. Is our current system of education including the teaching methodology advanced enough to produce that Future Race with those extra dimensions far superior to the present one? Or does it call for a paradigm shift in the very approach of education itself? And if such a shift is necessary how do we implement the new system of education compatible to the present one? These are a few questions to be contemplated upon.

The need of the hour is an education that nourishes the total being that shapes our thoughts and emotions, our attitudes and values into universal human qualities like courage, accountability, sincerity, integrity, caring, cooperation and many other life values; an education that develops and inculcates in all students the basic powers of the mind-concentration, memory, observation, critical thinking and creativity; an education that seeks to train the body in agility, strength, flexibility, endurance, balance and poise; and above all, an education that helps the individual to delve deep through and harness the deeper meaning of life. We call it ‘Integral Education’.

Integral Education regards the child as a growing soul and helps to “bring out all that is best, most powerful, and most innate”. It encourages the child to find his/her true self encompassing information and skills, the languages, the sciences, music, dance, theatre and the arts, games and sports, but shifts the focus to self-development, to qualities, faculties, abilities and interests. The ‘learning by rote’ method is replaced by engaging personalised activities and absorbing projects, through a value based learning process.

Learning is a life-long affair and must begin first at home, the immediate community, the country and then move to the world at large. The child’s self development and growth goes hand in hand with connection to her/his roots. Respecting one’s family, culture, country and the earth are our esteemed values. A happy and joyous involvement of the child in education considerably enhances the growth in an atmosphere of freedom and encouragement fostered by the teachers.

Planning commission Report, 2006 calls for qualitative improvements in education reflecting a change in pedagogical methods and lay emphasis on several dimensions, including:

  • A shift from methods that emphasize passive learning to those that foster the   active interest and ability of children to learn on their own.
  • A shift from rote memorization to development of children’s capacity for critical thinking.
  • A shift from traditional academic to practically relevant curriculum.
  • A shift from imparting information to imparting life values such as independent thinking, self-reliance and individual initiative that are essential for success in any field of endeavour.

       The report also observes that the primary role of education is to foster in each child the attributes and values of a responsible, capable, active and healthy member of the family and society. The rigidity of curriculum, testing and teaching methods need to be relaxed so that innovative methods and new models of education can be evolved, tested and perfected. Vocational streams have to be developed and expanded to equip larger numbers of high school students with occupation-related knowledge and skills.

Parents, teachers and students are the primary stake holders in the entire process of education in that order. Teacher not as an instructor but as a facilitator has to play a vital role by being a role model   and expected to lay emphasis on acquiring knowledge, attitude and skills related to appreciation of cultural values, dignity of individuals, inclusion, environmental conservation and protection of heritage values. A framework’ brought out by NCERT focuses on the environment in which learners grow and respect the diversity of our nation cherished from times immemorial.

The present system of teaching isolated subjects, programs and activities should give place to the interdisciplinary, integrated and holistic approach. Instead of unsystematic, static content of educational subjects there should be an integral, systematic content of education which represents a continual, integrated and interdisciplinary knowledge which has definite purposes and objectives directed to realization of ideas of sustainable development.

The vision of implementing Integral Education at School level and National level should be both comprehensive and harmonious. It must balance and synthesize all the divergent views and forces that compete in the pursuit of self-perfection. It must be based on an objective assessment of facts and a realistic appraisal of possibilities, yet it must rise beyond the limitations of past trends, immediate preoccupations and pressing challenges to perceive the emerging opportunities and concealed potentials.

The vision should also make us conscious of our cultural and spiritual strengths, which formed the bedrock of our past achievements and should form the foundation of our future accomplishments. Some of our teaching traditions may have to be redefined in the present context to raise confidence in ourselves and a strong determination to realize our full potential. Our vision also should emerge as a living and dynamic reality in the young minds and young hearts of India.

Our endeavour is to build a strong nation with responsive citizens. Values in education have to be taught right from inception through an interdisciplinary approach that enables an integral understanding. 

- Dr. Ajit Sabnis

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