of Consciousness in Human Growth is one of the important subjects that has
generated tremendous amount of interest among academicians, scientists, psychologists,
neurologists in pursuit of truth behind consciousness.
word consciousness is understood and spelt differently by materialists and
spiritualists. To a materialist, this is just an awareness of our surroundings
perceived through our sense organs. The information thus gathered by various
sense organs is picked up, integrated and interpreted together with past
experiences by the brain resulting in awareness. Thus our awareness has its
fulcrum in the functioning of the brain. Thus, for a materialist typically,
consciousness is a byproduct of brain.
a materialist, it is spelt with capital ‘C’ and is the all-pervasive
Consciousness Force without which nothing in the universe exists. It is the
alpha, the omega and the only truth. It is the Absolute Reality. It is this
Consciousness Force that is responsible for all creation in the universe. At
the moment it is concealed and veiled by the layers of ignorance.
of a human being and his growth must have some meaning, some definite purpose
in the evolutionary process. We are at cross roads and do not even know whether
we are spiritual beings with human experience or human beings with spiritual
experience! There should not be any doubt that we are spiritual beings
undergoing human experiences in the evolution of consciousness.
Ø The supreme
Consciousness descending from its summit into the matter and emerging out of
matter giving rise to life principle and further, mind principle evolving out
of life principle is possible only if all these sublime principles are already
involved in the previous statuses.
evolution of consciousness is a slow and steady process. History has shown and
science has acknowledged that the growth in Consciousness has always resulted
in refined species expressing refined characteristics. Light, knowledge, bliss,
dynamism, creativity, beauty, freedom, innovation etc. are the attributes of
divine consciousness and these get expressed as we grow in consciousness.
talked about human beings with a purpose! If so what is the purpose? What is
our destiny? Sri Aurobindo records in ‘Savitri’ - The unfelt Self within who is the guide, the unknown
Self above who is the goal. Between these two extremes is our journey, the
human evolution, the aim of life, the adventure of consciousness and the true
human growth.
If we need to take up this journey, human growth has to be harvested in the
field of Consciousness by unwrapping layers of our ignorance.
Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient Consciousness appears in every creation and
every manifestation. The degree to which it is expressed depends on the
location point on the evolutionary scale. Thus, plants are more conscious than stones
and animals more than plants. Humans with their discretionary power are more
conscious than animals. But then, Man certainly is not the last rung in the
evolutionary process. He has a long way to go. However, we see the glimpses of this
Consciousness growth in some evolved souls. For example, our Vedic seers had
this growth through intense self-purification and concentration. Their
experiences reveal to us the secret knowledge of Consciousness growth.
Firstly, the
individual turns his entire attention within, focus and concentrate and
meditate grows deeper and deeper. He then becomes aware of something that is
higher than him, the True Self, the divine spark. This process of
turning within and making our true self guide us, is the first step of triple
transformation – Pscychisisation.
As we grow deeper
and deeper, our consciousness also grow wider and wider. This is the second
direction in which Consciousness grows and an individual starts identifying the
divine spark in all around him. This leads to the realisation of One in All
and All in One - Spiritualisation
As we grow in our
consciousness deeper and wider, there shall be vertical growth in the form of
ascending aspiration and descending growth giving rise to a realisation that All
as One – Supramentalisation.
you remember the game ‘Passing the Parcel’ we used to play when we were
children? The parcel was a box wrapped with many layers of coloured papers.
Children stop passing the parcel when the music stops. Then the boy/girl
unwraps one layer of the parcel to find some small gift. When all the layers are
unwrapped, the original box with some invaluable gift at the core appears. This
is exactly what happens when we unwrap our ignorance layer by layer.
Four Stages of Human
We have
seen above that human growth in the perspective of Consciousness is nothing but
the human evolution. There are four stages of human growth we observe.
At macrocosmic level, there was first the Physical
Evolution where the formation of the universe took place. Followed by the Chemical
Evolution where the gasses, the chemicals, the minerals, the Oxygen etc.
filled the universe making it fit for sustaining life. This was followed by Biological
Evolution where life evolved out of matter. The last stage here is also the
Spiritual Evolution where in the matter
participates in the transformation of earth.
At individual level, the first stage of human growth is Physical
evolution where in the body that was fit enough to act as foundation to
receive the superstructure of Consciousness. In this stage, the human growth is
very slow like travelling in a bullock cart.
was followed by the second stage Emotional or Vital Evolution where
the life is governed and dominated by our instinct, desires, hunger, shelter, survival
etc. In this stage, the evolution or the human growth progresses faster and can
be compared to an automobile instead of bullock cart.
third stage of human growth is the Mental Evolution, a progress
with much higher intensity than the previous two stages. Here the growth is
dominated by reason, logic, rationale, learning through science, philosophy,
laws, ideals, social organisation etc. Even here we see growth in Consciousness
first appears in mundane life sustaining activities and later grows into
ethics, compassion, sympathy, empathy and host of other values. The more we
grow in our consciousness, the more sensitive we become of our environment.
Explaining the growth in mental Consciousness, following are the lines from Sri
Aurobindo’s Savitri.
thought was sown in the unsounded Void,
A sense
was born within the darkness’ depths,
memory quivered in the heart of Time
As if a
soul long dead were moved to live:
stage in the human growth is the Spiritual Evolution where,
the flowering of higher grades of mind takes place. Starting from ordinary mind
to higher mind to illumined mind to intuitive mind to overmind, the last in the
hierarchy of minds. The human growth here begins with religion, mysticism and
yoga. The growth in religion is a stage where consciousness appears as conservative,
rational, and systematic and rituals become platform for concentration and
meditation. In the next stage, rising above religion, the goal and destiny
becomes clearer. All pervasive Consciousness is accepted and rituals do not
really matter. In case of Yoga, the growth results in a more specific well laid
path for a rapid self-directed evolution towards our final spiritual destiny. Aspiration
from below is answered by the grace from above. As we grow in our
consciousness, the progress accelerates from bullock cart to automobile to jet.
Factors of Growth:
1] Becoming Conscious-quintessentially, it means become aware of
within and without factors- Parts of our being, our faculties, senses, deep
self, etc. In essence, it is gaining mastery over our self. We can manage
others only if we have learnt to manage ourselves. Growth of consciousness
should also be of outside our body-The surroundings, with scientific
temperament, logic and rational thinking. Biggest drawback with human beings is
that we try to understand the infinite with finite logic. These two are
different dimensions.
2] Aim of once life. Quality of our aim reflects quality of our
character. This also is the ideal we follow. For every human being, the ‘ideal’
concept will change depending on so many internal and external factors. For
example, ideal of a religious organisation may be non-violence. This may not be
the ideal of military organisation. Ideals have to rise above our ordinary
consciousness-our mundane and material interests.
3] Concentration or Focus. Concentration is the art of focusing all
our energies at one focal point. It may be a task or an ideal or an activity.
This minimizes wastage of energy and maximizes self-actualization. As Sri
Aurobindo puts it, everything in the universe ultimately resolves into some
form of energy. Mental energy, if not focused, will diffuse and shall not be
effective. This increase in power of concentration will also come to our rescue
in case of multi-tasking. Frequent switching off and switching on are required
while we multi-task our activities.
4] Progress. Here, progress means continuous journey towards our inner
and external perfection. In general parlance, it means ‘Continuous
improvement’. Outer progress indicates continuous growth in our Skills,
professionalism, efficiency, productivity in work and action. Inner progress
indicates growth in psychological, spiritual, moral, artistic, cultural realms
of our personality. Developing our faculties, integration of our personality,
all fall in this sphere.
Here main emphasis shall be on values. Courage, compassion, unbiased
thinking, justice, enthusiasm, loyalty, visualization, imagination etc. should
become part of our development.
5] Freedom and Empowerment. This means, freedom to think, to be
creative, to be innovative, to take decisions, to learn from experiences, to
express without any inhibitions, etc. These are the expressions of our outer
freedom. Freedom from inner bondages like negative thoughts, superstitions,
greed, selfish motto, jealousy, biased opinions, depression, restlessness, and
mechanical thinking etc. also are called for.
6] Inner and outer wellness. True wellness is an expression of
balanced growth. In outside world, productivity, wealth creation, meeting
targets, short term goals become predominant. But this can induce stresses in
an individual affecting the physical health and performance. Hence there is a
need for inner balance.
Acknowledgement: The above is the gist of talk delivered at Sri
Aurobindo Complex, JP Nagar, Bangalore, under SPECTRUM. The tittle and
inspiration from Mr. MS Srinivasan, Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry.
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